Saturday, December 4, 2021

Spotify just wrapped up Rivermaya's year.... to astounding numbers!


Online Digital Music Streaming platform Spotify just released their annual summary of Rivermaya's streaming numbers. And it shows impressive numbers and proof that people still can't get enough of Rivermaya after close to 30 years in the business. I've also recently discovered that Rivermaya CDs (and cassette tapes) are selling at exorbitant prices on the collector's market. With a complete catalogue being sold at more than P100,000 for the interested collectors. While the migration to digital music could no longer be slowed down, the downside of Rivermaya's back catalogue is that not all allbums are available on Spotify. So avid Rivermaya fans will have to go back to hunting those old CDs and Cassette Tapes to fully experience the whole Rivermaya aural journey. And that is if you could also find the hardware to pop those CDs and Tapes into. The muddled rights issues with their whole catalogue is a huge hindrance for Rivermaya to fully take hold of everything, and earn from it. Such is the dilemma of artists back in the day. Digital Music Streaming has became a boon to artists as they get paid around $1 per 250 streams on my estimate. So with Rivermaya's streaming numbers, that's roughly 10.5 Million pesos in revenue for the year 2021 alone! So if you are a music fan and loves to listen to music, then keep on streaming those music on digital music platforms and help your favorite artists earn something from it. Music is Free nowadays (or at a certain fee for premium subscribers). So what's stopping you from listening to them?

Also, while we are at it, why limit your listening to Rivermaya? Let's also include the other artists who had became a part of the Rivermaya Family! Follow and like this playlist I made..... which I call Rivermaya.... Noon at Ngayon. Which included all of the artists that once became a part of Rivermaya!